Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What's new at Adobe Labs

So what's been happening over at Adobe Labs?

New beta releases for:

  • Dreamweaver
  • Fireworks
  • Soundbooth

Monday, May 26, 2008

Apple Applies for new Patent

It is all over the blogosphere that Apple has applied for a new patent. Solar panels for the iPhone. Imagine never having to worry about your battery dying on your mobile phone. Sitting at your favourite cafe - having a latte while your phone is sitting on the table charging - without having to plug it in.

I fly quite a lot with my job and I am forever checking and double checking to ensure that I haven't forgotten a connecting or power cable for either my laptop or one of my many mobile devices.
Before I moved to New Zealand (about 3 years ago), I purchased a small solar panel that would be able to charge my mobile phone or iPod.....but it is just another thing to carry. Not to mention all of the connecting ends you need to carry (or loose) as well.

So - bravo to Apple for bringing back an old technology (remember our old solar charged hand calculators) into a new.

Now.....if we could only have solar powered laptops that are lighter and more powerful.....one can dream.