Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reducing your Carbon Footprint

What is your carbon footprint? There has been a lot in the news lately about reducing one's carbon footprint.

What is a carbon footprint? "It is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide." (from: Carbon Footprint)

Carbon Footprint gives some tips on reducing your primary footprint:

  • holidays (don't go by air)
  • electricity (sign up to renewable energy)
  • gas (try using solar wate heating)
  • traveling around (use public transport as much as possible)
  • car share (sign up to a car share scheme)
BeGreen also has a lot of tips an information on reducing your cabon footprint including a carbon calculator. Looking at the amount of electricity used, how many miles you drive each year, how many cities you have flown to in a year, and the amount of therms (natural gas) used each month or will then be able to calculate your carbon footprint.

an inconvenient truth has made a lot of news since it has been released as DVD. Vice President Al Gore presents an impactful look at global warming. The website has a free educational guide to go with the DVD.

Other sites to checkout:


John Murch said...

Thanks for the mention about my green blog Hippy Green!

BF said...

Pleasure :)