Friday, June 29, 2007

Adobe releases new curriculum: Career & Technology Education for K-12 & Higher Education

Anuja Dharkar (Adobe Worldwide Education Manager, Curriculum and Professional Development) worked with the global AEL team and members of ISTE's NETs Refresh to develop the new Adobe Career & Technology Education curriculum for K-12 & Higher Education.

Visual Design: Foundations of Design and Print Production - website
Visual Design is a yearlong, project-based curriculum that develops career and communication skills in print production and graphic design, using Adobe tools.

Digital Design: Foundations of Web Design - website
Digital Design is a yearlong, project-based curriculum that develops IT career skills in web design and production, using Adobe tools.

Digital Video: Foundations of Video Design and Production - website
Digital Video is also a yearlong, project-based curriculum that develops career and communication skills in digital video production, using Adobe tools.

Free to download! The new curriculum will also ship automatically with any of the new CS3 K-12 School Site Licenses or can be ordered separately on DVD from your local education reseller (small charge).

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