Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Using Social Networking to teach Gaming Concepts globally

Playing games over the years has moved out of the arcade around the corner and into the home or on a mobile device. Games are used for learning, recreating simulations, and just for fun.

Using the social network hook, MyGLife.org is moving beyond the player and into users (youth 13 yrs and older) becoming game developers.

MyGLife.org is developed by World Wide Workshop, a "organization dedicated to conceptualizing and developing applications of Internet media technology to enhance learning, creativity and understanding among children and youth in developing communities around the world."

MyGLife.org has "100s of "educational activities, simulations and tutorials to play, learn, explore and contribute new ideas online."

Designed to help youth:

  1. Learn internet media technology and game-development skills;
  2. Hone professional and life skills;
  3. Experience positive virtual communication with other communities; and
  4. Foster social change
    (read more....)
School Chat....
The concept of learning through gaming, play, interactive medium is here to stay and evolving and changing as I type this post. It has woven its self into the corporate world and slowly into classrooms around the world. Working with students over the years in interactive media classrooms, I have seen first hand the power of learning when students are in the role of instructional designers and developers. When students are allowed to unpack and repackage information in a process and outcome that has come from them....time and time again it has been proven that through this process ALL types of learners are engaged and immersed in learning the content.

So next time you have a "project" for your students to do....let them create a learning artifact or module in an engaging and meaningful way. Either in the form of a game or some other interactive medium.

(First read from: BBC News)

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