Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Let’s Talk About Personalising Learning

The New Zealand Ministry of Education has just released a document which explores empowering students to be actively involved in their learning.

What does this model look like? How do educators, parents and the community help students along this journey?

For it to be a truly personalised learning model I believe students need to be actively involved in the direction and development of their learning. Several years ago I realized that students have a natural insite, and understanding of what hooks other students into learning. I had senior students developing interactive learning media for other students their own age. Not only did these students learn the content themselves (they were allowed to process it in a manner that made sense to them) they also developed learning modules that would "pull in" other students their age. I believe all curriculum boards or teams should be made up to include the target market they are after.....the students.

"A 21st century education system must be responsive and flexible to ensure every young person can achieve their potential and be set up for lifelong learning. Personalising learning provides a useful framework to connect the many good things we do now in education while preparing our young people for their future.

Personalising learning succeeds when students know what they know, how they know it, and what they need to learn next."

The .pdf can be downloaded directly from here.

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