Thursday, March 08, 2007

Opencourseware + Open Educational Resources

Opencourseware or Open Educational Resources is a new concept for education.

The Opencourseware Consortium is a collection of higher ed institutions and associated organizations from around the world that are using a sharing model for educational content. Professors worldwide have made their course content available online for free.

For example MITpencourseware (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has an amazing amount of content. From aeronautics to physics to music and theatre arts.....educators are sharing their syllabus, reading materials, assignments, study materials, related resources, etc....


Open Educational Resources Commons (OER) works as a similar model to Opencourseware Consortium but the focus is Primary to Post - secondary education.

OER Commons is an "open-learning network where teachers and professors (pre-K to graduate school) to access their colleagues' course materials, share their own and collaborate..."

Upload a resource/lesson or find can also apply social networking features to the content through comments, tagging, ratings and reviews.

Great inspiration for teachers worldwide!

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